One of the main principles of the Why America? program is the notion that knowledge is power. After educators have attended one or more of the Why America? seminars, we challenge teachers to consider how the knowledge from this seminar has impacted their own teaching and pedagogy, whether it be through a lesson, unit, project, or other idea.
Maybe the Why America? seminar sparked an idea for an innovative student project. Maybe it brought a controversial discussion topic to mind that you want to have a Socratic seminar about, or have your students debate. Maybe you want to tweak one of your lesson plans or units to add in a diverse range of literature, videos, or discussions about the 2020 presidential election, the current political climate, or the Constitution. What was your biggest take-away from the seminar? Now, what are you going to do with this information to inspire and inform your students in tangible ways?
Here is our challenge to educators:
Teachers are invited to submit evidence of their idea in action in their own classroom. The possibilities are endless. Teachers can submit student work samples (essays, reflections, posters, etc.), a video of a discussion they led with their class, a video of their teaching, a video of student presentations, etc. We ask that educators submit tangible evidence that demonstrates student thinking and understanding, in addition to the lesson plan or unit plan.
How To Apply:
Show us how you took the information from one of the Why America? Seminars and turned it into a lesson or learning opportunity for your students. Please submit the work samples and evidence via email to by March 30.
How Selections Will be Made:
The Center for Education Reform is most excited to see how the information discussed in the seminar translates when in the hands of innovative teachers and students as a result of the work you introduced from Why America?::
What did the students learn?
What were their biggest take-aways from the work done?
How are students poised to think differently as a result?
After teachers submit their evidence, a panel of judges will award up to ten prizes based on the creativity and execution of the idea in action, in addition to the idea’s alignment with the Why America? vision and goals. Prizes may include an Apple computer monitor, a $1,500 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card, a $1,500 Donors Choose gift card, or the teacher’s choice up to $1500 value.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write us.
Why America? is a service of The Center for Education Reform.
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